pISSN: 1598-7558

보호관찰, Vol.19 (2019)

분노표출 비행청소년의 대안교육 경험연구


(백석대학교 상담학 박사)


(백석대학교 상담대학원 교수)

본 연구의 목적은 분노표출 비행청소년의 대안교육 경험의 본질과 의미를 심층적으로 탐색하여 현상학적으로 밝혀내는 것이다. 이 연구를 위하여 법원으로부터 4~5호 처분 을 받고 준법지원센터에서 보호관찰을 받던 중 법무부 예하 청소년비행예방센터에서 대안교육 받은 14세 이상 19세 미만의 비행청소년 9명을 대상으로 심층 면담하였다. 이 연구에서는 참여자들로부터 수집된 자료를 현상학적 연구의 자료 분석 방법 중 Colaizzi 분석 방법을 적용하여 질적 분석 하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대안교육에 참여한 비행청소년의 분노표출 배경은 가정 에서 부모의 부재, 가정폭력, 학교에서의 부정적 경험과 폭력피해의 트라우마 등으로 인해 스트레스 상황에서 그들의 분노감정을 통제하지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 대안교육에 참여한 비행청소년의 분노표출 특성은 분노표출 사고에 매몰되어 분노가 각성화 되었고, 분노의 내재화로 삶을 비관하며 우울하였다. 또한 참여자들은 억눌린 분노를 참지 못하고 외현화 된 습관적 분노를 표출하여 대인관계에서 폭력을 행동화하 였다. 특히 참여자들은 퇴학과 가출을 하여 가정과 학교의 통제권을 이탈하여 또래 비 행청소년들과 어울려 다니며 이들과의 동화에서 자신의 존재감을 느꼈다. 셋째, 분노표 출 비행청소년의 대안교육 참여 의미는 전문 법교육 참여와 모의재판을 통한 법의 위 력을 체험하면서 준법의식이 고취 되었으며 인성교육과 전문교육, 개인상담 등 대안교 육을 통해 참여자 스스로 자신의 삶을 반추하면서 긍정적 변화 동기를 가지는 계기가 되었다. 또한 참여자들에게는 가족의 소중함을 재발견하고, 자신의 잘못을 뉘우치고 가 족들과 화해하며 안정을 찾는다는 것, 그리고 미래에 대한 소망으로 변화노력을 하려는 전환의 의미로 나타났다. 본 연구의 의의는 비행청소년들이 분노표출로 인한 범죄를 저지른 후 법과 세상의 냉 혹한 현실 체험과 대안교육을 통한 자기 반추 과정에서 가족의 소중함을 재발견함으로 써, 변화에 대한 소망과 긍정적 자기성장을 경험한다는 사실을 밝혀냈다. 본 연구가 비 행청소년을 지도하는 교사, 전문심리상담사, 법무부 산하 준법지원센터와 청소년비행예 방센터 등 유관기관 종사자들에게 비행청소년의 분노에 대한 효과적인 상담적 접근과 비행청소년 분노조절 프로그램 개발 및 분노조절 훈련의 근거자료로 활용되어지기를 기대한다.

A Study on the Experiences of Alternative Education of the Juvenile Delinquents Who Take Their Anger-Out

Kim, Jae Soo

Son, Chul Woo

The purpose of this study was to in depth investigate essence and meaning of the experiences of alternative education of the juvenile delinquents who have their anger out and to reveal it phenomenologically. Accordingly, the subordinate research question was what are the background, the characteristics of their anger₋out and the meaning of their participation in the alternative education. The study had in₋ depth interviews with the nine juvenile delinquents, aged from 14 to 19, who were send to an alternative education center, after receiving the probation order and the alternative education instruction order from the court, and under the probation at the compliance support center. The collected data from the interviews were analyzed by Colaizzi’s phenomenological method, and it resulted in 126 formulated meanings, 43 themes and 16 theme clusters. The experiences of alternative education of the participants could be briefly listed like this : sadness of being forsaken by their parents, pain of family violence, pressure from their school lives hard to en- dure, trauma of damage from violence, immersion in awakened anger, depression of anger internalizing, habitual anger₋out externalizing, violent acting out in their relationships, breakaway from their families and schools, boost for assimilating with their peer groups, lives as juvenile delinquents for their crimes, realization of their harsh realities, enhancing law-abiding spirit by education of law, reflection on themselves through the alternative education, rediscovery of the value of their families, and effort to change for desired future. The description of the results of the analysis are summarized as follow : First, the anger₋out of the participants came from the background that they couldn’t control their anger under the stress from their traumas and negative experiences with their families and schools, including absent of their parents and family violence. Second, the characteristics of their anger₋out were awakening their anger, fallen into anger expressing thought, and being depressed and pessimistic through internalizing their anger. They also expressed habitual anger and acted out violence in their personal relationships, failing to hold their suppressed anger and externalizing it. They felt their own presence in assimilation with the groups, but it led them to commit crimes, and they had to encounter their harsh realities and the law as juvenile offenders. Third, the meaning of participating in the alternative education extended to the opportunities to desire their positive change, by reflecting themselves through the education, such as personality educations, specialized trainings and personal counseling programs. Also, there was another meaning to rediscover their families’value and to make up with their families, and they found calm in themselves. From these results, the significances of this study are deduced as follow: First, this study provides counseling data which practically help juvenile delinquents, who make legal problems and feel uncomfortable because of their anger₋out, excluding prejudices and bias about them. Second, this study phenomenologically revealed the meaning of the alternative education, and it can be used as base data when organizations which teach and care for juvenile delinquents, such as school organizations, compliance support centers and alternative education center of the ministry of justice, develop education systems or programs to prevent second conviction and to reform them. Third, this study found that the one of main factor causing anger₋ out was their parents and their families, so the parents and the families should participate in the process of cure. Fourth, this study proposes necessity to politically deal with problems of juvenile delinquents in the environmental perspective, including not only families but also schools, peer groups and so on. Finally, in this study, the participants rediscovered their families’value, desired and grew for positive change of themselves while they had encountered the harsh realities and reflected themselves through the alternative education. This result implies that it is possible to change painful experiences of juvenile delinquents to positive direction through alternative education.

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